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Teacher Training – 12 Month Programme – October 2024 – WAITLIST

with Makeda McKenzie
Location Online
Date 19/10/2024 - 18/10/2025
Time 09:00 - 17:00 BST


The aim of this online training programme provides a solid platform for developing your teaching. The course is suitable for those who have completed the prerequisites for the course and are willing to work within the OMF’s Ethical Guidelines for MBCT Teachers.

This training also would enable you to register with the international register – ACCESSMBCT

The training is suitable for both clinicians and for those aiming to teach adults in a non-clinical setting.  Once you have completed this programme you will have completed training to teach minimum three MBCT curricula. 

Professionals working in a clinical setting will be trained to teach adults Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression (MBCT-D), Finding Peace in a Frantic World and the Introducing Mindfulness 3 session curricula.

Those not working in a clinical setting will be trained to teach adults Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L) and Finding Peace in a Frantic World and Introducing Mindfulness and the Introducing Mindfulness 3 session curricula.

Where we have, or expect to have, more applications than spaces, applications will be prioritised from those who have access to a population and setting where they are actively involved and will be able to introduce MBCT.

Who is it for:

  • Applicants must be willing to commit to continuing professional development and adherence to professional ethical standards after training.
  • This training is open to people who would like to learn to teach MBCT. It is suitable for those intending to teach mindfulness to adults in general population contexts, workplaces, and educational settings, and for healthcare and mental health professionals planning to teach adults in clinical settings.
  • Applications are especially welcome from those who have access to a population and setting where they are actively involved and will be able to introduce MBCT.
  • We are also interested in applications showing potential to engage with marginalised or underrepresented communities and where we might be able to support the implementation of MBCT into non-English speaking communities through training bi-lingual teachers.
  • Please note that the OMF Mindfulness programmes are intended for adults over 18 years of age and are not suitable for younger populations. Do not apply if you intend to teach to children.

Please check that you can attend all the dates scheduled for the training you are applying for. If you know that you cannot attend any of the dates, please do not apply for that training. You will be asked to confirm this on your application form.

Full Dates: 19/10/24, 26/10/24, 02/11/24, 09/11/24, 16/11/24, 23/11/24, 30/11/24, 07/12/24, 11/01/25, 18/01/25, 25/01/25, 01/02/25, 07/02/25, 17/02/25, 18/02/25, 19/02/25, 20/02/25, 21/02/25, 24/05/25, 31/05/25, 07/06/25, 14/06/25, 21/06/25, 28/06/25, 06/09/25, 13/09/25, 20/09/25, 27/09/25, 04/10/25, 11/10/25, 18/10/25.

Please note: The timings of this training are generally 09:00-17:00 UK time.

The OMF will provide a Confirmation of Attendance letter to all participants who attend 100% of the training days. Trained Teacher Certificates are issued only after completion of the complete teacher training pathway (plus taught 2-courses under supervision), through a separate application process not linked to this training.

What will I do on this course?

During the course of this 12 month programme you will:
  • Experience, and then practise delivering key elements of the programme in small and larger groups with feedback from each other and the trainers.
  • Learn and practice the skills required to work with groups in mindfulness programmes, and conduct appropriate inquiry sessions.
  • Understand the origins of mindfulness; deepen personal practice through an extended retreat experience and explore how this informs your teaching.
  • Contribute to your own and other participants’ development by observing and providing feedback in a structured and helpful way.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the 12-month cohort programme, trainees are expected to be able to:
  • Understand the MBCT-L curriculum, including its intentions and the rationales for its elements
  • Lead all elements of the curriculum in an embodied way
  • Conduct inquiry and manage group processes
  • Understand theoretical, empirical, and ethical foundations of MBCT
  • Understand the intentions, structure, and practices in the MBCT for Depression curriculum or the Finding Peace curriculum, or both
  • Reflect on teaching strengths and learning needs within the MBI:TAC framework

About the Teacher

Makeda McKenzie

Based in Trinidad & Tobago, I am a former human resource professional and the present-day founder and principal consultant of the Caribbean Mindfulness Institute (CMI). After my own experience with workplace burnout and chronic stress, and having benefited tremendously from the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) programme and my ongoing personal practice, I decided to use my many years of corporate experience in training and development to create meaningful and practical workplace mindfulness programmes that help people stress less, focus more, and feel their best with mindfulness and meditation. Read more

Teacher Training – 12 Month Programme – October 2024 – WAITLIST

Standard Rate

Applications closing: 31/08/2024
  • English
  • Español