Choose an event or course

The events and courses offered below begin with briefer introductions to mindfulness through to developing your practice and understanding further. Please feel free to browse through what is on offer.

Learn: Information Sessions

Join the OMF team for a live zoom session to learn more about our courses


Introducing Mindfulness

3-week course offering a brief taste of mindfulness practice and theory. For anyone new to mindfulness who doesn’t want to take a full 8-week course


Mindfulness for Life

8-week courses for those wishing to improve their general wellbeing. Learn to use mindfulness to respond skilfully, not react and find ways that support the wellbeing of ourselves and of others


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

8-week courses for those with a history of depression, or who are currently experiencing an episode of mild-moderate low mood. These courses are offered in collaboration with the NHS for UK residents only


Mindfulness Taking it Further

For those who have completed an 8-week course and wish to develop their mindfulness practice further – helps to build mindfulness into everyday living


Deeper Mindfulness

A new course developed by Mark Williams for those who have completed an 8-week course and wish to develop their mindfulness practice further. Specifically looking at ‘feeling tone’


Policies and procedures help us to communicate the values of our organisation and provide written boundaries within which we operate. They also articulate and provide clarity for the relationships we have with those who engage with the OMF. Please ensure you have read and understood the policies and procedures relevant to your engagement with the OMF before you apply. Links to our policies and procedures can be found here or via individual applications forms.

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